CLIMAS 2nd partners meeting held in Lithuania

October 2, 2023 by

The 2nd CLIMAS* partners meeting was held on June 21-22, 2023, in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Back in January 2023, a new EU-funded project, “Climate change citizens engagement toolbox for dealing with Societal resilience” (CLIMAS)*, was launched to accelerate the transformation to climate resilience by improving citizen engagement through a toolbox expected to further democratise citizen assemblies within 150 EU regions.

Discussion points and outcome

During the meeting, the respective consortium members presented and discussed the current status of each task of their work packages; planned the details of the next six-month activities and overview of activities for the next year; discussed implementing the policies that are already delivered or on the way to do so in the project activities: gender equality and sensitivity, data protection, ethics; and discussed the co-creation activities of the tools at living labs and planned the schedule.

The presentation of each of the tasks gave an overview of the recent development on climate assembly set-up, facilitation, and follow-up, especially on the existing methods and tools, and provided a clear indication of the opportunity for further development, especially on the supporting tools. The Living Lab partners and Climate Assembly partners were also informed about their support for the co-creation, testing, and validation process. Finally, the project coordination got a clear picture of the status of the project and the activities planned for the next year.

The specific CLIMAS methodology (design thinking process)

TVS’ Contribution to the CLIMAS Project

In the project, Technovative Solutions Limited (TVS) is leading the work package 3, i.e., co-creating the climate change citizens engagements Toolbox for regional and local entities. The Toolbox will proactively address possible tensions, points of controversy, and dilemmas related to the adaptation to resilience. The work package is directly related to the expertise of TVS as the only company in the consortium that has extensive experience in digital tool development, especially in the field of Environmental Science and Software engineering.

The deliverables within this work package include:

Tools to enable follow-up and climate assembly outcomes on dynamic climate change adaptation A knowledge and evidence-based support tool for climate assemblies’ agenda setting Climate Assembly Portal: Exploring Participatory Platforms.

In the 2nd CLIMAS partners’ meeting, Dr Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Associate Director, TVS, presented the progress of climate assembly portal development.

The next General Assembly will be on 14-15 December in Vienna, Austria. The responsibility of TVS is to compile the WP3 tasks reporting and also present its own progress on different tasks where it is involved.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe under Grant Agreement N° 101094021.
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