Events Details
The OptiDrill project has organised it’s first open webinar, which will focus on OptiDrill’s drilling advisory system. OptiDrill project is developing a real-time drilling advisory system for optimising the geothermal drilling operation utilising novel sensors and Machine Learning (ML) methods. The webinar aims to discuss the OptiDrill concept and its newest developments.
The Webinar took place in MS Teams on 9 December 2022 at 13.00H CET.
The session was moderated by Dr Tamanna Khan, Dissemination and Communication manager at OptiDrill (Technovative Solutions Ltd). Kevin Mallin, Technical Manager at OptiDrill and Managing Director at Geolorn Ltd, spoke about the OptiDrill project vision and progress. He then led a round table discussion with Helen Osk Haraldsdottir (On Power) and Hazel Farndale (Geothermal Engineering Ltd). The session was concluded with a Q&A session with the audience.
Participation in the webinar was free; however, registering was mandatory.
You can now view the recording of the webinar on our YouTube Channel here